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About Articio

Learn The Art From The Core And Pursue Your Passion

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Russell Mack
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Awards & Recognition

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Elsie Boyce


Russell Mack

Founder Articio

Don Metcalfe


Let Us Take You To The Land Of Paints & Brushes

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About Us

About Ossden

Learn The Art From The Core And Pursue Your Passion

India is a country with a very rich cultural heritage that is often forgotten amongst the everyday troubles of the common man. From the timeless words of Rabindranath Tagore to the intricate brush strokes of MF Hussain; From the brilliance of The Taj Mahal to the minute details of The Sun Temple, art has always held a special place amidst the ancient Indian Heritage. While there may have been a disconnect between us and our heritage due over the last few decades or due to the unending demands of the modern era, the pandemic was a much-needed breather

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Our Vision & Mission

Art is silence in the loudest form. It gives you a voice, which is so unique, that it couldn’t possibly be replicated again inside a country of 1.3 billion people, and we at ossden.online, want to help you find yours.

Awards & Recognition

At OSSDEN, we want to make art supplies so easily accessible, that all you ever have to worry about is your next masterpiece. With our carefully handpicked basket of products, we aim to cater to a wide range of artists.

Let Us Take You To The Land Of Paints & Brushes

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